Life, Law and Litigation Expertise at Hecht Schondorf
When it comes to your case, your trial, your future, and your justice, choosing the right legal ally is critically important. The litigators at Hecht Schondorf can help you with the following services:
- Consumer and business contracts
- Shareholder and partner disputes
- Concerns, issues and disputes
- First party insurance claims
- Professional malpractice litigation
- Commercial litigation and The Uniform Commercial Code
- Arbitration
- Construction Litigation
- Federal program funding appeals
- Representation in catastrophic injury cases
- Mediation
You can rely on a Hecht Schondorf ligitator for:
Unbridled Confidence
No trial attorney makes right decisions every time. You’re constantly bombarded with new information, new presentations of facts and the need for decisions on demand. The real skill is to remain unfazed, undaunted; to be confident and assure your client that they are in good hands.
Courtroom Credibility
A trial lawyer must build credibility with the judge, jury, the client, opposing counsel and every person in the room. Credibility comes across in more than knowledge of the law; it’s how you hold and present yourself and while that can be learned, it’s mostly earned through external and internal victories.Civility and a Warm, Engaging Style
In a courtroom, nice guys do finish first. Trials are often won with personality and likability working on behalf of an attorney. We deal in real life so our lawyers are inherently nice people who remain civil even when the opposition is waging uncivil war.Competitive Spirit and the Need to Win
Someone said, “Nobody remembers who finished second except the person who finished second.” That kind of hits us where we live – we’re far from arrogant but must admit we like to win and our records reflect that with victories in legal courts, tennis courts and top spots earned on Law Reviews.
A Belief in Hearing
We believe in hearing as listening. When you’re interviewing a lawyer, pay attention to how much he or she talks versus listens to you. Our ears and minds are always open.Advising the Best Option
Trials are not only tough things to win; they’re tough to go through. Your life can be placed under a neon spotlight that shows every blemish. Long-time relationships can be tested, stretched and snapped in two. And, let’s face it, it can be expensive. Trials can take a long time to settle and you can remain unsettled inside for years. (Aside from that, they’re great.) At Hecht Schondorf, we prefer arbitration and mediation over going to court. We believe attempting to find a solution by everyone working together first is the advisable approach.